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Ajman – Use Case With MagiXEdu Solutions

  • August 4, 2022

MagiXEdu Making Hybrid Education an Enjoyable Journey

IPMagiX is an MEA market leader in Customer Interactive Management and smart solutions. We create, develop, and implement world-class customizable solutions to facilitate communication for our clients.

Ajman university now wants to create one of the country’s most digitally advanced campuses. The university sees digital transformation in MagiXEdu as a way to strengthen attendance, protect students’ well-being and extend its education reach.

MagiXEdu is a mobile application and portal to digitize your education process. It is a cloud platform with high location accuracy. MagixEdu solution provides a better experience for students and professors at Ajman University for automated attendance capturing by validating students’ identities through facial recognition technology.

MagixEdu supports virtual and physical class attendance with location detection through Wi-Fi/Beacons. In addition to physical class attendance, it supports a hybrid learning experience through integration with known remote learning solutions such as Zoom. The solution features two-way integration with learning management systems such as Moodle/blackboard to provide accurate attendance records according to predefined business rules of Ajman University.

This solution leverages Aruba Merdian to provide turn-by-turn wayfinding giving direction to students & professors at decision points in the acquisition of route knowledge, while orientation wayfinding uses orientation information to support students & professors in building up a cognitive map. Ajman University facilitates the ability to notify students of important messages or events.

The solution can collect all required data through unlimited reports that help decrease any duplicate efforts among team members. It allows the user to save and export your reports in a variety of different formats (.pdf, excel, etc). It can optionally use Microsoft PowerBI technology if needed.


  • Virtual and physical classes.
  • Automatic attendance recording with face recognition and/or location.
  • Integrate with online Learning Management Systems (LMS).
  • Integration with social media networks


  • Aruba Wi-Fi & Meridian.
  • IPMagiX cloud solution running Microsoft Azure.


  • User Friendly.
  • Easy-to-use directory & Easy to implement.
  • Built-in analytics for clear insights.
  • Powerful dashboard and reports.